2024-04-26 Life Advice
Older People Give Advice
Discussion Topics
- What is one of the most valuable lessons you have learned in life?
- How has your perspective on life changed as you have grown older?
- What advice would you give to your younger self?
I don’t know if I want to hand out this voluntary self-evaluation or not. We’re here to enjoy ourselves. Maybe this is too serious and academic. Maybe it’s too soon. Also, I haven’t had time to check the quality of the translation yet. It’s probably bad.
学生名: ______________ 日付: ______________ レッスントピック: ______________
指示: レッスン中のあなたの行動と取り組み度合いを振り返ってください。各基準について、以下の尺度を用いて自己評価してください:
- 非常に良い (4): 授業を通して一貫してこの行動を示しました。
- 良い (3): ほとんどの場合この行動を示しましたが、改善の余地があります。
- 改善が必要 (2): この行動を一貫して示すことができず、改善に焦点を当てる必要があります。
- 不十分 (1): 授業中にこの行動をほとんど、またはまったく示しませんでした。
基準 | 非常に良い (4) | 良い (3) | 改善が必要 (2) | 不十分 (1) | メモ |
積極的な傾聴: | 教師とクラスメートの話に積極的に耳を傾けました。アイコンタクトを維持し、理解を示すためにうなずき、気が散ることを避けました。 | ほとんどの場合、話者とアイコンタクトを維持しましたが、特に長い説明の際には、視線をそらしたり、そわそわしたりすることがありました。 | 集中力を維持するのに苦労し、他の考えや教室内の活動に気を取られることがよくありました。メモを取る、質問をするなど、積極的な傾聴の戦略を練習する必要があります。 | 積極的に耳を傾けず、気が散りやすかったです。 | |
参加: | 授業中のディスカッションやアクティビティに積極的に参加しました。質問をし、自分の考えを共有し、グループワークに貢献しました。 | 指名されたときに参加し、質問に正確に答えました。 | 授業中のディスカッションやアクティビティへの参加は最小限でした。自分の考えを共有することに躊躇したかもしれません。 | 授業中のディスカッションやアクティビティに参加しませんでした。 | |
敬意を持った行動: | 注意深く耳を傾け、割り込みを避け、適切な言葉遣いをすることで、教師とクラスメートへの敬意を示しました。 | ほとんどの場合、教師とクラスメートに対して敬意を払っていましたが、特に自分の仕事を早く終えたときや、活動があまり魅力的でないと感じたときには、横の会話や課題以外の行動をしたことがありました。 | 他の人を邪魔したり、不適切な冗談を言ったり、授業中に携帯電話を使ったりするなど、邪魔になったり、失礼な態度を取ったりしたことがありました。自分の行動とその影響について、もっと気を配る必要があります。 | 頻繁に邪魔をしたり、失礼な態度を取ったりして、学習環境に悪影響を及ぼしました。 | |
準備: | 必要な教材をすべて準備して授業に参加し、宿題や課題図書の読書を完了しました。 | ほとんどの場合、授業の準備ができていましたが、教材を忘れたり、課題をすべて完了していなかったりしたかもしれません。 | 授業の準備が完全にできておらず、必要な教材や課題が不足していました。 | 準備不足で授業に参加し、必要な教材や課題を持っていませんでした。 |
- 今日の授業で、集中力を維持し、積極的に参加するのに役立った戦略は何ですか? (成功した行動と、今後も継続して使用できる戦略を特定する)
- 授業中にどのような課題に直面しましたか。また、将来的にどのように対処すればよいですか? (エンゲージメントと学習の両方の課題を振り返り、問題解決能力に焦点を当てる)
- 今日の学習内容に基づいて、英語力をさらに向上させるために、授業以外でどのような具体的な行動を取ることができますか? (学習成果を継続的な進歩のための行動可能なステップに結びつける)
Self-Assessment Rubric for Student Engagement and Participation
Student Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Lesson Topic: ______________
By using this rubric, students can reflect on their own behavior and identify areas where they can improve their engagement and participation in class.
Instructions: Reflect on your behavior and level of engagement during the lesson. Rate yourself on each criterion using the following scale:
- Excellent (4): I consistently demonstrated this behavior throughout the lesson.
- Good (3): I demonstrated this behavior most of the time, but there is room for improvement.
- Needs Improvement (2): I did not consistently demonstrate this behavior, and I need to focus on improvement.
- Unsatisfactory (1): I rarely or never demonstrated this behavior during the lesson.
Use the “Notes” column to provide specific examples or evidence to support your ratings and to reflect on areas for improvement.
Criteria | Excellent (4) | Good (3) | Needs Improvement (2) | Unsatisfactory (1) | Notes |
Active Listening: | I actively listened to the teacher and my classmates. I maintained eye contact, nodded to show understanding, and avoided distractions. | I maintained eye contact with the speaker most of the time, but I may have looked away or fidgeted occasionally, especially during longer explanations. | I struggled to maintain focus and often found myself distracted by other thoughts or activities in the classroom. I need to practice active listening strategies, such as taking notes or asking clarifying questions. | I was not actively listening and was easily distracted. | |
Participation: | I actively participated in class discussions and activities. I asked questions, shared my ideas, and contributed to group work. | I participated when called upon and answered questions accurately. | I participated minimally in class discussions and activities. I may have been hesitant to share my ideas. | I did not participate in class discussions or activities. | |
Respectful Behavior: | I demonstrated respect for the teacher and my classmates by listening attentively, avoiding interruptions, and using appropriate language. | I was respectful towards the teacher and my classmates most of the time, but there were instances where I may have engaged in side conversations or off-task behavior, especially when I finished my work early or found the activity less engaging. | There were times when I was disruptive or disrespectful, such as interrupting others, making inappropriate jokes, or using my phone during the lesson. I need to be more mindful of my behavior and its impact on others. | I was frequently disruptive or disrespectful, and my behavior negatively impacted the learning environment. | |
Preparation: | I came to class prepared with all necessary materials and completed any assigned homework or readings. | I was mostly prepared for class, but I may have forgotten some materials or not completed all assignments. | I was not fully prepared for class and lacked some necessary materials or assignments. | I came to class unprepared and did not have the necessary materials or assignments. |
Reflection on Engagement and Learning:
- What strategies helped me stay engaged and actively participate in today’s lesson? (Identify successful behaviors and strategies you can continue using.)
- What challenges did I face during the lesson, and how could I address them in the future? (Reflect on both engagement and learning challenges, to focus on problem-solving skills.)
- What specific actions can I take outside of class to further improve my English skills based on what I learned today? (Connects learning gains with actionable steps for continued progress.)
Really Good Extra Discussion Questions
I don’t think we’ll have time to use these, but they’re good questions. I like using Boom’s Taxonomy.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions
1. Remembering (Basic Recall)
- What were some of the emotions the people in the video expressed about their younger years?
- What were two pieces of advice that the older people repeated throughout the video?
- Where did one woman say she had the opportunity to travel to?
- What did the man say about worrying and being anxious?
- What did the people say can hold us back from achieving our dreams?
2. Understanding (Interpretation and Explanation)
- Why do you think the people in the video emphasized the importance of not worrying about things you can’t control?
- Explain the meaning of the phrase “seize the moment” in your own words.
- How did the woman’s trip to Japan change her perspective on life?
- Why do you think some people are hesitant to take risks or try new things?
- What do you think the people meant when they said “don’t be afraid to explore”?
3. Applying (Using Knowledge in New Situations)
- Can you think of a time in your life when you were afraid to do something but did it anyway? What was the outcome?
- How can you apply the advice “say yes more often” in your own life?
- Imagine you could travel back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice. What would it be?
- Think about a current situation in your life where you might be holding yourself back due to fear. How can you address this fear and move forward?
- How can exploring and trying new things help you grow as a person?
4. Analyzing (Breaking Down Information into Parts)
- Compare and contrast the different perspectives on taking risks presented in the video.
- Analyze the relationship between fear and missed opportunities.
- Why do you think our perspective on life changes as we get older?
- How do cultural and societal factors influence our decisions and life choices?
- Identify the key message or theme that the video conveys about life experiences and wisdom.
5. Evaluating (Making Judgments and Justifications)
- Do you agree with the advice to “not worry about things you can’t control”? Why or why not?
- Is it always better to say “yes” to opportunities, or should we be cautious sometimes? Explain your reasoning.
- How important is it to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things?
- To what extent do you think our past experiences shape who we are today?
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the video in conveying its message about life lessons and wisdom.
6. Creating (Generating New Ideas or Products)
- Write a short poem or song inspired by the advice given in the video.
- Create a storyboard or comic strip depicting a situation where someone overcomes their fear and seizes an opportunity.
- Design a poster or infographic that summarizes the key takeaways from the video.
- Develop a role-play scenario where two friends discuss their life experiences and offer each other advice.
- Imagine you are creating a time capsule to open in 20 years. What message about life would you include for your future self?