2024-11-28 Story Dice: Travel Adventures!
Lesson Plan
Opening (15 minutes)
- Brief review of story dice use (5 mins)
- Introduce the travel adventure theme and simplified Nelson’s steps (5 mins)
- Show example categories of travel stories (5 mins)
Setup Activity (15 minutes)
- Divide into pairs or groups of 3
- Each group:
- Rolls 5 story dice
- Randomly selects a travel scenario category (using the roulette app)
- Brainstorms vocabulary related to their scenario and dice images
- The icons must symbolize something. For example, if you have an icon of a hand, the hand has to symbolize something: stop, help, give, etc.
Main Writing Activity (35 minutes)
- Choose whose perspective to tell it from
- Incorporate the dice images as plot elements
- Create a clear turning point
- Use a basic story structure (beginning, middle, end)
Sharing and Feedback (20 minutes)
- Each group shares their story
- Others listen and identify:
- The perspective used
- How they used the dice images
- The turning point
Wrap-up (5 minutes)
- Quick review of successful techniques
- Submit your story to the lesson’s blog post as a comment
A Little Boy’s Travel Adventure
Theme: During Transit
5 dice: 1. Ropeway, 2.Bud, Sprout, 3.Feather, 4.Hand, 5.Quote Bubble
A little boy (‘little boy’ = ‘sprout’) started for his first travel abroad to Switzerland by himself.
The original plan was to fly (‘fly’ = ‘feather’) from Japan to Switzerland, and then change to local transportation such as mountain trains.
But the airplane (‘airplane’ = ‘feather’) got delayed, and he could not catch the trains. He felt he was in trouble and asked someone nearby for help (‘ask for help’ = ‘hand’).
Then a kind person gave him a good advice (‘a kind person’s advice’ = ‘quote bubble’) to use other train lines and ropeway (‘ropeway’ = ‘ropeway’) to get to the top of the Matterhorn.
On the way to the top of the mountain, he could see beautiful scenery of mountains and glacier, and many kind of mountain plants sprout out (‘mountain plants sprout out’ = ‘sprout’).
At the top of mountain, he cried, ”I did it!” (”I did it!” = ‘quote bubble’)
He finally achieved his hope and felt satisfied and happy. Then, his first trip to abroad ended successfully.
135 words excluding annotations